Musik, Musik!
Wir singen Gospels (auch aus Afrika), Spirituals und Lieder über Liebe und Freundschaft. Regelmäßig erarbeiten wir neue Stücke, aber auch unsere „Evergreens“ singen wir gerne immer wieder. Hier findest du auch ein paar Hörbeispiele als Life-Mitschnitte und sogar Videos.
African Noel
Ain’t that a rocking
African Noel
Awesome God
Aya ngena (Zulu)
Ayelevi (Ghana)
Bamthatha (Südafrika)
Banaha (Kongo)
Blessed be his name
Bless that wonderful name
Bridge over troubled water
Bring me little water, Sylvie
Burden down
Cantai ao Senhor
Christ has risen (Kanon)
Christmas in the old man’s hat
Come and go with me
Come and see the Baby
Come let us sing
Come on into the house
Down in Bethlehem
Every praise
Freedom is coming
Fear not
Free your soul
God rest you, merry Gentlemen
Goin‘ up yonder
Good news on a bad day
Gospel Train
Hallelujah, Salvation and Glory
He’s got the whole world in his hands
He is always close to you
He is exalted
(Your love keeps lifting me) Higher and higher
High and lifted up
Hope for the hopeless
How amazing
Hush! Somebody’s callin‘ my name
I could sing of your love forever
I’m going up
In the sanctuary
I’ve got a reason
Ipharadisi (Südafrika)
I want to love you, Lord
Jamaican Noel
Jesu ajali awa (Zaire)
Jesus be a fence
Jesus is the answer
Jesus on the mainline
Joyful, joyful
Kyrie eleison
Lean on me
Let my light shine bright
Let there be hope
Let us stand
Light a candle in the dark
Lord hold me
Lord, I cried
Lord reign in me
Man in the mirror
My life is in you
New day
Nginesi ponono (Zulu)
No need to knock
Now behold the lamb
Now I can start again
O happy day
Oh Tannennenbaum
Open the door (Kanon)
Open the eyes of my heart
Our God
Pata Pata
Photograph (Ed Sheeran)
Plenty good room
Put a little love in your heart
Rock my soul
Run, Shepherds!
Say a little prayer for you
Seasons of love
Senzenina (Südafrika)
Si njay njay njay (Zulu)
Shout, brother, shout!
Something inside so strong
Stern über Bethlehem
Swing low, sweet chariot
The Lord just keeps on blessing me
The river is flowing
Think of me
This little light of mine
This train
To my father’s house
Up above my head
Uyingcwele Baba
Wade in the water
Walkin‘ down that glory road
We are the world
We shall overcome
What a day
What a wonderful world
You are holy
Your Love
You’ve got a friend